Hi, I’m Thatiany Lisboa (pronounced Ta-ti-aw-ni). Where did my parents come up with the spelling? Good question… they don’t know either, but I go by Thaty.
I’ve been married to the love of my life, Sal, for the past almost 9 years. We have 5 incredible children, 1 of which is our angel girl. We live in the VERY Sunny South Florida. I nor like or dislike S. Florida… I hate it. It’s too hot! I do appreciate it’s beauty though.
I am currently a Stay-at-home Mom and I don’t ever want to give it up. I homeschooled for the first time this past year and loved it. I will be homeschooling 2 this upcoming school year. I love taking care of all things family/home. I also enjoy all things Jesus, Coffee (lots of it), Sweets, Movies/Shows, and Traveling!
I enjoy writing about raising the kids, marriage, grief, travel, life in general, and faith. So that’s what you’ll find here in this blog. Hope it’s impactful and you may enjoy it!