Category: Motherhood

James’s First 100 Foods

James’s First 100 Foods

With all of my kids I’ve pretty much did baby led weaning at 6 months old. I did not give them anything before that (not even puree). There were times that I spoon fed them, but they pretty much fed…

My Breastfeeding Must Haves

My Breastfeeding Must Haves

Breastfeeding is hard. Not gonna lie. It’s a mental game. You’ve got to set a goal for yourself and then push through. My goals have always been to breastfeed for a year. 4 babies later and I’ve finally accomplished it….

2022 Toddler Gift Guide

2022 Toddler Gift Guide

Thanksgiving is in just a few days, and so we know Christmas will creep up on us what will feel like out of nowhere! Black Friday is this week also. I usually try to do all of my shopping around…

Going to Universal Studios with Little Ones

If you’re into rollercoasters and have been considering going to Universal Studios with Little Ones, then keep reading. I’m hoping that I will convince you to go and have an outstanding time! So, we fianllyyyyy got Universal annual passes this…

10 At Home Valentine’s Day Ideas

10 At Home Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine’s Day is around the corner! I have not thought about it at all considering the first few months of this new year is a little crazy for us. We have a lot going on at the same time. Because…

Potty Training My Stubborn 2 Year Old

Anastasya had been letting me know when she’s pooped or peed in her diaper for a while now. When I go to the bathroom she wants to talk about what I’m doing and she wants to sit on her potty…

Josh’s Monthly Letter Board Photos

When Anastasya was born, I wanted to take monthly photos of her. I wanted to have some kind of theme and I just didn’t keep up… So I told myself I would be more dedicated with baby #2. And I…

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