How to be more Productive
How can you be more productive? Here’s how. Using this one simple tool. It’s the simplest tool you can use. Everyone pretty much has one. Especially if you have a phone… Ready for it? A TIMER!
Yes! A Timer! I’ll tell you why.
Something happens psychologically when you turn that timer on. Your mind goes into this competitive mode and you want to beat the time.
Here’s how it works:
First, you’ll pick a task
It can be cleaning the dishes, putting clean clothes away, going through papers to discard or file, make those important phone calls, and so much more. The tasks are endless.
Next, decide how much time you’re willing to commit to this task
I usually go with 20 minutes, unless I don’t have the time to give, then I’ll do 10. If I think I can commit to more, I’ll do 30 or more. There is no rule to how much time you can give. It just needs to work for you in that moment.
And finally, just do it!
It’s that easy. Just think “anyone can do anything in 10 minutes”. You may or may not finish that task in 10 minutes, and you’re going to be shocked at how much you can actually get done in that time. OR you won’t finish, BUT you’ll be shocked how much you could get done and that task no longer feels so overwhelming.
Now for the rules to this Game. Whenever I use a timer there are rules I set for myself so that I use that time most effectively.
Rule 1: I commit to the time I give myself. If 10 minutes is all I have, then that’s it. If I feel like I can do more, then I go for it. But most importantly is that I don’t over do it and then get discouraged. 10 minutes is 10 minutes, period.
Rule 2: Don’t answer the phone. Whether it’s a call or text, I don’t answer.
Rule 3: If the kids need something, I ask them to wait for that time to be finished.
EXCEPTION to all rules: I stop working on my task only if it’s Urgent or it’s an emergency.
And that’s it!
As a BONUS, here are a few other ways I use a timer:
To leave the house on time. To get the chicken out of the oven. To get the kids off the tv. To remind me I need to breastfeed. To wake up my toddler. To get off social media.
There are soooooo many ways and reasons to use a timer. Be creative. It is one of the best tools on your phone. Go use it and come tell me if it’s been advantageous as it’s been for me.