Netflix Original Series You Should Be Watching

I have a love-hate relationship with Netflix. I love that at any moment I have access to this enormous library of movies and tv shows, BUT I hate that the library of movies sucks! Every once in a while they add a good movie in there, but most of the time I’ve already watched it… I liked having Blockbuster because I had access to Any movie (old or new)…. unless it was already rented. 😅 When it comes to TV shows though, I love Netflix! I have access to almost any show that I love to watch.

Lately, Netflix has been dropping Original Series left and right, and a lot of them have been making history! Being nominated and awarded for academy awards, golden globes, and so on and so forth. I’ve been very impressed!

Here is a list of a few shows I’ve watched and gotten into that are Netflix Original Series. I’m going to talk a little about each one and my thoughts on it. I hope not to spoil anything for you! I hate spoiling movies or shows for people, so I’m going to keep details on each to the bare minimum.

*** The comments I make on each show is solely my own opinion of the shows. This is not a critic. If you decide to watch one of them, I hope you’ll enjoy these as much as I did.


I was so excited when I saw the trailer for this show! I never read the books when I was a kid, but I fell in love with the 2004 Jim Carrey movie, and I always hoped that there would have been a second one. Unfortunately it never happened. Now, almost 13 years after the release of the film, we get a Netflix series on one of the coolest kid’s mystery books.

If you have never seen or read anything on A Series of Unfortunate Events, then here’s a tiny over view in my own words 😏 :

Klaus, Violet, and Sunny Baudelaire live in a mansion with mom and dad. One day, while the kids aren’t home, Mom and Dad die in the fire that burnt down their entire home. The parent’s will states that the children be put in the care of the closest living relative in case of an unfortunate event. That’s where Count Olaf comes in. The Baudelaire kids are all under the age of 18, and so they cannot get a hold of the large fortune their parents left for them. That’s ALSO where Count Olaf comes in… Get it? The series is an unfortunate event happening after another unfortunate event… 

What I loved about this series is that we got a lot more from it than we did from the movie (of course – there’s only so much you can put into a movie). But even more than that, what I really loved was that they decided to keep the series very close in theme to what the movie looked like. The movie was perfect, and the director of this series was going to have a lot to uphold to. If you enjoyed the movie, I very much recommend to watch the series!

Everyone who was a part of this series, in my opinion, were perfectly selected! I loved the kids that played the characters of Klaus (Louis Hynes), Violet (Malina Weissman), and Sunny (Presley Smith). Justice Strauss (Joan Cusack) became one of my new favorite characters! I loved that Lemony Snicket (Patrick Warburton) was more a part of the series unlike the film. Neil Patrick Harris did a perfect job with Count Olaf! He not only played the part of Count Olaf, but produced the show, and he sings the theme song, which I found entertaining.

The one thing that drove me crazy the entire time watching this series was the naiveness of the adults towards Count Olaf. I know that that’s how it’s meant to be, I just really hate it. I’m a straight forward type person, and basically if the adults in the book weren’t so stupid, all of the unfortunate events that happen with the children wouldn’t have happened… But because that’s how the book is, then that’s just how it’s going to go sooo… oh well!

So, if you like mystery. If you like watching smart kids escape the hands of an evil villain. If you like Neil Patrick Harris – I suggest this series! 🙂


Where do I begin with Stranger Things!? During Super Bowl LI the new trailer for S.T. was released and I freaked out. I was freaking out more though at the fact that the new season is only going to be released on HALLOWEEN! Since it’s only February, I’m basically waiting all year before getting to watch Season 2 (I’m crying on the inside)! Good news for you is that if you’re interested in watching this series, you have 8 months to watch season 1 about 100 times because it’s so good.

Stranger Things is about 4 boys: Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will. Will goes missing, and while the other 3 boys want to go looking for their friend, they bump into a girl named Eleven (011). The series is based in the 1970’s in a small town, and the whole series is based off of trying to find Will. There’s a lot of mystery, a little suspense, teenage love, tons of Sci-fi, and a butt-load of Awesome!

The kids that play Mike (Finn Wolfhard), Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo – my absolute most favorite character ever!), Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin), Will (Noah Schnapps), and Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown – this young girl is going to do Big Things!) are my favorite!!! If you like movies that are based around kids like The Sandlot, or E.T. (kind of), or The Goonies, then you’re most likely going to enjoy this series.

I pretty much loved everything about this show. There was a good balance between the mystery, comedy, and suspense. They did a great job with making it feel like it was 1970. When I finished watching, I totally got into some throwback songs, and it made me want to go jump on a bike with a walkman, but that’s another story….

I have nothing to complain about with this series. There are a lot of questions that people had by the end of season 1, but I’m sure they’ll come up in the next season… Or one could hope!


If you usually don’t like watching documentaries, if I were you, I’d still give Making A Murderer a try.

Making A Murderer is based on the Steven Avery case. Steven Avery was arrested for a murder he did not commit. After spending some years in jail, evidence finally came through that proved he was innocent. After being released, and spending time with those he loved again, he was once again arrested for another murder, which he claimed he didn’t commit. The series is not filled with corny reenactments. They are all real footages following Steven Avery. What makes this show special is all the controversy that is happening with his case. 

This series is very addictive, and I’m going to warn you: It will frustrate you! It’ll either frustrate you because you don’t believe he’s innocent, or you do want to believe he is innocent.

There is so much detail and information that went into this series. The people that directed and produced this show did an incredible job telling Steven Avery’s story. Whether he’s innocent or not, this is one biased documentary you definitely want to watch! I say biased because (obviously) they want you to believe he’s innocent. There’s always 3 sides to every story: His, the Police, and the Truth. That’s all I’m going to say about that. I suggest you watch and make deductions of your own!


3% is the first Brazilian Netflix Original Series. Being that I’m Brazilian, I just HAD to watch it. You can watch it in Portuguese, or in English (voice dubbed). You can even watch it in Portuguese with English subtitles. I hate watching movies with a voice dub so I watched the whole series in Portuguese. I watched a tiny piece in English and it lasted for about 3 seconds before I went back to Portuguese.

3% is based in the future. When you are born and growing up, you live in squalor. When you come to be 20 years old, you (plus anyone else who is 20 years old at that same time frame) are given the chance to take a series of tests to see if you will become a part of the 3% that will get to spend the rest of their lives on “Offshore”. Offshore is  a place where you have a better and more upscale lifestyle. In these tests, some may require that you fight your way to becoming 3%. In the end, 3% are selected and get to go to Offshore.

This show is somewhat like the Hunger Games and Divergent. If you liked either one of those, you’ll enjoy this series. This is also one of those series where you need to keep up with different characters. There’s a lot going on at the same time, and if you miss a tiny part of an episode, you may not understand why something was done, or what is happening.

I liked this series, and I would love to see where they take it from where it finished off, but I’m not totally crazy about it. Brazil is known for having some of the best soap operas in the world, and the fact that they pulled this series off and people are enjoying it makes me happy! The story is good, the characters have great stories behind them. The actors are ok. Brazil has some out-of-this-world actors (Wagner Moura from Narcos for example), but this series lacked some. They’re not horrible! I just know that Brazil has more to offer. I hope that by the reaction they got from this season, that they can do more with season 2 (which has been confirmed).


In Awards, The Crown has 7 wins and 12 nominations. Being that Netflix spent millions and millions of dollars on this series, it should make sense as to why they’re being well recognized all over the world!

The Crown tells the story of our today Queen Elizabeth. First we get to see how the Queen’s father, King George, came to rule, to then passing on his duties to his eldest daughter Elizabeth. Through these hour long episodes, you get to see the drama that unfolded through the royal palace. How Elizabeth went from being a Princess to a Queen. You get to a learn quite a bit about the monarchy, and quite a bit about our World’s History.

If you like History, this series is for you. If you like Drama, this series is for you. If you like British accents, this series is for you. If you love the Royal Family, I suggest you watch this series. I find monarchy to be very interesting, and I have always liked the Royal Family, but I knew nothing about either things.

Although the show is dramatized for our viewing pleasure, you definitely get to learn a lot about this Family’s history. The direction and production of this series is outstanding. Claire Foy, who plays Queen Elizabeth, is such a beautiful woman. I wasn’t born when Queen Elizabeth became Queen, so I have no idea how she was. I would imagine that she was close to what Claire Foy portrayed. She brought the Young Queen to life, and portrayed her beautifully!

Every single person in this series was perfectly casted to make this series as special as possible. I truly believe that from the leading roles, to the extras, no one was a part of this series by mistake. I cannot wait for season 2!

I hope that this list of series help you find a few more hours of binge watching pleasures! Give me some feedback on what you thought. And let me know which series you’re watching that didn’t make the list.


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