Making 2020 the Best Year Yet


A few weeks before 2019 ended I met with some girlfriends for a “Dream Planning Party”. We got together and wrote in our new 2020 planners and talked about the things we are looking forward to in this new year.

We shared our dreams and bucket list goals for 2020. We picked our word that we most found fit for ourselves (which I will share some). We were going to make a vision board too, but I had to go home because it was getting late for my babysitter (aka my mom).

Anyway, there’s a lot to look forward to in this new year. I don’t necessarily have expectations, but there are definitely things I hope for. Certain things I pray will happen or come to fruition. 2019 was a beautiful year. A year of growth and lessons learned. I look forward to growing and learn a lot more!

I want to share with you my goals for 2020 to keep me accountable and also to give you inspiration. Whether we’re looking forward to the same things, or we’re looking to change something similar. I hope this helps get you excited for 2020 as well. ❤️

1. My word for 2020 is Dedication. I look to become more dedicated to my work or the things that need my attention. I tend to lose track or sight of things relatively quickly. In dedicating time and effort to whatever it is I’m working on, my hope is that it’ll get me focused and productive. [I have this word as the background on my phone as a reminder]

2. One of my girlfriend’s word that she chose for 2020 was Joy. I want to find joy in all/every situation that arises in 2020. I sometimes find myself to be very negative. I want to be more joyous or excited even if something doesn’t go my way. — This is extremely hard for me

3. My sister’s word is Intentional. I want to be intentional with my relationships. Who I focus my time and energy on. There are certain people I want to draw more near to or I want to better my relationship with them.

4. Another really good word a friend picked was Rhythm. As a mom of 2 (one being a 6 month old) finding a rhythm is so important. Now that Josh is sleeping better, getting my days more in order and not necessarily on a tight schedule, but just getting myself organized in a way that I can be more productive is what I’m looking for.

5. One more word that a friend picked that I thought would fit well for 2020 is Disciplined. I can be organized and seem like I get a lot done, but to be completely honest I am not a very disciplined person (depending on what it is). This is something I need to work on. Again, to help me stay organized and productive.

6. Here’s this word again: organization. I need more organization or structure in my life. Not just in tasks but even in my home! Decluttering and finding a better place for certain things.

7. I want to be more present in the moment/take a day at a time. I am a planner! I love to look forward to things and plan far ahead. But I do need to take a step back and take a day at a time.

8. I need more date nights with my husband. We just need to keep things hot, ya know 😉

9. We’re looking forward to a lot of traveling. One big one is to Brazil. My husband really wants to go for the kids to meet our families, so that’s a major trip on our list.

10. I need to take better care of me. I need to make more time for me. I love being busy. I love being with the kids and husband. I hate being away from them. But I need it for me. I know that when I spend even a few hours alone at Target (or anywhere really) makes a huge difference for me. I need to do more of that this year.

11. My last word for 2020 is Wholeness. I pray for healing and wholeness for family members and friends who have been hurting or suffering from something physical or mental. 2020 to me feels like a whole, round, and complete number, so I pray for new beginnings in many people’s lives this year, including my own. A better year for everyone!


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