New Years Day Gender Reveal #2
When the results for my second baby’s gender came through, my doctor’s office called me to let me know but I was out of town. I was actually at Busch Gardens with family waiting for them to ride Sheikra. We were going to be heading home that night. I believe it was a Sunday and the following day was New Years Eve.
When I told my sister in law that the results were ready at the office she suggested doing a gender reveal the following day, which was New Years Day. So I planned just that. New Years Eve my husband and I ran out to the fireworks store to see if they had some smoke bombs or anything we can use for the reveal. 1st of all, they had fireworks that was totally pink and the other totally blue, and I was soooooooooo tempted in spending those $100+ just for a gender reveal! lol. But as much as I wanted to, I wasn’t ready to spend that money just for a reveal. So we went with the $10 grenades instead.
We did a test with them at home to see if they would come out ok and how to use them, and it looked good so I gave the results to my sister. Her and her boyfriend went out and got black spray paint because the outer thing that you actually hold so you don’t burn your hand was the same color of the smoke that would come out. For us not to find out, we had them spray paint it.
On New Years Day we went to a park. We had Brazilian style hotdogs, chips and some drinks. Something simple. Once everyone arrived we did the reveal. Unlike my first reveal I tried not to have any emotions towards whether it would be a girl or boy, but I was kind of hoping for a girl just because of the fact that my sister who was born after me (we’re 2 years apart) is my best friend, and I wanted that for Anastasya. I had a gut feeling it would be a boy though…
Anyway, we did the reveal and if you’ve read some of my posts, I have referred to the second baby as a he, so yes! It is a Boy. We are naming him Joshua Ayden Lisboa. We are so excited to meet him. We are currently a month away!!! 😱 He’s due June 29th. Can’t believe how quickly its coming. Below I have the photos from the reveal. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it all together.