Unicorn Themed Birthday Party
On March 27th, 2019 Anastasia turned 1! 😭😭😭😭
I’m not doing too well because of that fact, but I think I’ll manage soon… I’m just kidding. I’m fine. It’s definitely hard to see how quickly we’ve gotten here, but I’m excited for the future and what else we learn from her. She’s been such an incredible baby, and seeing her grow up to do some big kid stuff like walking and talking is very exciting!
So now she’s 1. She turned 1 on a Wednesday and that Saturday, the 30th, we threw her a Unicorn Themed birthday party! I picked Unicorn theme just because it’s really cute, but also because since it’s now Spring, the pastel colors that come with Unicorns are so pretty and so I figured it would work out. Soon she’ll be telling me what kind of theme she wants so I gotta do what I want now before I have no say, right?
Pinterest was my best friend while planning this party. I would look up “Unicorn Theme Birthday Party” and take ideas from all sorts of different things people have posted. Some were DIY, others involved making a purchase here and there, and others looked like the whole party was done by a party decorator because it was so much detail. Because of my budget, I tried to stick to the DIYs and making as minimal purchases as possible. My family also helped in so many ways, which I’ll explain later.
I decided to do an outdoor party because 1, the weather had been pretty amazing, and we wanted to take as much advantage of it as possible! Also because now a days to rent a place to do an indoor event is just ridiculously expensive. So Unicorn Party at a park it is. My sister-in-law who is a wedding planner (who has all the hook ups) helped me with planning it all. She helped bring my little dream come to life!
The Backdrop
The white backdrop itself is 3 sheets of wood that someone gave to my husband for free for some random reason. I don’t remember exactly what happened, but it just so happened that the week of her birthday he got his hands on those things, my sister-in-law painted, my husband created a base for it, and they put it all together at the park for us. It was perfect!
The balloons I bought and blew up myself with sis-in-law. We watched a video on how to put this arch together and so the night before we worked on it. We made a couple of sections together and transported it to the park where we put everything together. And by we I mean our friend who is a decorator that we borrowed a lot of the little detail stuff from. She showed up out of the blue. She was supposed to be out of town and she saved us! She killed it on the arch.
The eyes, ears, and flowers for the unicorn on the backdrop, that set you can actually find on Etsy for sale (if you want to make your life a little easier). Originally we were not going to do it, and then my sis-in-law decided to run out to Hobby Lobby and found those paper flowers. The decorator bought some materials and cut up the eyes and the ears at the location! 😱 Yeah! I was home getting ready when this was happening and I was blown away. So if you’re crafty, this is something you can try out. I’m sure there’s a youtube video on how to do it! There’s a video for everything now a days.
Other Details
The white square pillars were all borrowed from our decorator friend. She helped so much in so many ways! I don’t think she has any clue! But anyway, those and the trays on the pillars. Also the big cake is hers. It’s a fake cake. I had real cake in jars which were the party favors.
The rocking unicorn my sister-in-law bought at a Marshals. She also got the unicorn mugs and stuffed unicorn at a dollar store or something. The mason jars I bought and painted them with acrylic paint from Target. I had also bought a unicorn stencil to put on the jars, but it didn’t work out so I just left them plain. The flowers were from Trader Joe’s. The blue letter board was $3 from Target! The book I saw as an idea for a baby shower, but I used it for her birthday and it would have worked out great if people signed it 😅 lol.
So don’t be fooled by these photos, I did NOT have a big budget for this party! Like I said, my sister-in-law really pulled through for us. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have had access to all the decor through her friend. I also had huge help from my husband for the backdrop. My parents rented out the location for us, which is another whole story in itself. My in-laws also came out to help set up while I was home finishing some other things and grabbing any last things we might have forgotten. I had one of my sisters running around and buying stuff for me. Everyone was a trooper and helped in all sorts of ways. It wouldn’t have come together without everyone’s help.
Thanks to everyone!
Like I said before: my sis-in-law is a Wedding Planner. For more info please follow her on Instagram (@sayidoweddingplanner) and Facebook: Roberta Zmieski. Her husband and photographer, you can also follow him on Facebook or Instagram @free_people_studios. Our decorator friend, Fernanda Tavares, is a Wedding Decorator. You can also find her Instagram @creabilitydecor.
Below I’ve attached some photos of us with friends and family to take from here they want their photos. Enjoy ❤️